Thursday, November 1, 2007

A few favourite books

Chapter One - from Charlotte's bookcase

I started reading a bedtime story to Charlotte every day when she was just a few months old. At first she hated it and screamed as soon as she saw the book coming. At that age though, she didn't have any chance to escape so I read to her whatever.

We have always read a lot together and to try and give her a bedtime ritual she had the same book at bedtime for well over a year.
I find "Hush, little Ones" very peaceful and relaxing, perfect for going to bed with.

As she's progressed we've found many other books that we've read as often as this one.

I can read this book aloud with my eyes closed and I think Charlotte probably knows it off by heart too. I just love - the idea, the text and the illustrations.

Another favourite by Judith Kerr is
We also love Mr Gumpy and the children and the dog and the cat and the rabbit and the pig and the calf and the goat and the chickens...

This list could go on and on but it's too late for more now.


Jen said...

Those look like some fun books!! I'll have to see if our library carries them. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.